Tamara Knutsen-Hagemann of Manhattan, Kansas, has been involved with Special Olympics as a coach for the past 32 years. In 2022, she attended the Special Olympics USA Games as an assistant coach in volleyball. She will represent Special Olympics USA in the same role at the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023. Special Olympics has introduced Tamara to lifelong friends, all who share the same passion for watching athletes grow in both skill and confidence. Through her involvement with Special Olympics Kansas and her dedication to serving Special Olympics athletes, she was recognized as Volunteer of the Year.
Tamara is employed as a pre-K teacher and will retire in 2023. She enjoys going on adventures, exploring thrift stores and watching sports with her family. From her father, Tamara learned the importance of work ethic, love of family and compassion for others. Her own upbringing influenced her family’s decision to adopt. She looks forward to traveling to a new country and meeting Special Olympics athletes from around the world.