Austin Tomandl of Manhattan, Kansas, has competed in Special Olympics since he was 8 years old. Over the past 10 years, he has participated in athletics, basketball, bowling, soccer, softball, swimming, soccer, and volleyball. In the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023, he will represent Special Olympics USA in volleyball. With his Unified team, Austin competed in volleyball in the 2022 Special Olympics USA Games, an accomplishment he will forever cherish.
He is a student at Mill Valley High School and has served as the school’s football team manager for two years and basketball team manager for one year. He most admires his football team’s coach, who has led the school to six of the last eight state championships under his leadership. In preparation for the Special Olympics World Games, Austin practices regularly with his team and exercises routinely at the gym. He is excited to play a sport he loves with a team he is proud of in Berlin.