Brian Perry of Frederica, Delaware, has competed in Special Olympics for 36 years. He has experience in athletics, basketball, bowling, cycling, floor hockey, golf, softball and swimming. In the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023, he will represent Special Olympics USA in swimming. Swimming in the 2022 Special Olympics USA Games, Brian and his team won a gold medal in the relay event. Every year for the past 11 years, Brian has participated in the Special Olympics Delaware Lewes Polar Bear Plunge. Through Special Olympics, Brian has made strong friendships, tried new sports and has learned to prioritize his health.
In 2000, Brian became the first person with Down syndrome to graduate from his high school. Now, he is employed as a utility worker at Delaware State University in the Village Café dining hall, where he has worked for 10 years. In his work, he uses his team-building skills that he learned through Special Olympics. Brian likes to listen to music, dance and attend boxing classes with the Down Syndrome Association of Delaware. He is working to strengthen his endurance, preparing for the most exciting moments of his life at the World Games.