William “Mark” Keesee of Cumming, Georgia, has coached Special Olympics athletes since 1990 in athletics, powerlifting and softball. A competitive powerlifter himself, powerlifting is his main sport of focus. He will represent Special Olympics USA as an assistant coach in powerlifting. This will be Mark’s fifth Special Olympics World Games as a powerlifting coach. A former gym owner, Mark was first introduced to Special Olympics athletes as a trainer, an introduction that changed his life. He is most fulfilled in watching athletes improve in physical strength and in confidence.
In his last competitive powerlifting competition, he placed third in a NASA Powerlifting national-level competition. Through his athletic and volunteer endeavors, he has been recognized within Special Olympics Georgia and in his community. Now retired from the Georgia System Operations Corporation, Mark spends his time with his grandchildren, volunteers for his church and works security at the University of Georgia on gamedays. For Mark, there is no feeling that could match representing the many gifted athletes and coached of Special Olympics USA.