Charles "Charlie" Phillips of Savannah, Missouri, has participated in Special Olympics for 15 years in athletics, basketball, flag football, powerlifting, soccer and short track speed skating. He will represent Special Olympics USA in powerlifting. His Special Olympics journey began in Pennsylvania, then continued in Oklahoma. For the past eight years, he has focused on powerlifting in Missouri. He trains at Strong Barbell Club, where the annual United States Powerlifting Built Strong Special Olympics Powerlifting Championships took place in November 2022. He is a Polar PlungeĀ® ambassador and promotes local events through his volunteer role at the area Special Olympics office. Being active in Special Olympics has made Charlie healthier and stronger, as he was told he would use a wheelchair for the rest of his life and is now fully mobile.
He attended the Special Olympics Unified Cup in 2018 and competed in the Special Olympics USA Games in 2010 and 2018. In addition to his volunteer work with Special Olympics Missouri, Charlie volunteers with Meals on Wheels America, a local food kitchen and with an animal shelter. Attending the Special Olympics World Games is a dream for Charlie and he attributes much of what he has learned to his coach, JP Price.