Joseph “Caleb” Guy of Ball Ground, Georgia, has competed with Special Olympics for 12 years. He has participated in athletics, basketball, kayaking, soccer and tennis. He will represent Special Olympics USA in kayaking. A student at Transition Academy, Caleb receives vocational training, developing skills to transition into life after high school. In high school, Caleb served as the school’s basketball and soccer team manager for four years. In 2021, he was nominated to the homecoming court. He is employed at Chick-fil-A, where he assists with front of house responsibilities, and EC2 Creations, where he sorts and folds shirts.
Caleb loves to watch college football, listen to music and sing in the youth choir at his church. To prepare for the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023, he is exercising regularly by lifting weights and training with his local kayaking team. Caleb is excited for his family and friends to watch him excel in Germany.