Andrew Williams of Hixson, Tennessee, started competing with Special Olympics in 2004. He has competed in Alpine skiing, athletics, basketball, bocce, flag football and golf. In the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023, he will represent Special Olympics USA in golf. Special Olympics has allowed Andrew the opportunity to be more social, meeting new friends and attending events regularly. Competing in golf, he attended the Special Olympics USA Games in 2014, 2018 and 2022.
He is employed at Chick-fil-A, where he assists with food preparation and washing dishes. Of his many life accomplishments, he is proud of getting his driver’s license and scoring a touchdown on his high school’s varsity football team. He practices golf every chance that he gets and is a member of the security team at his church. Andrew greatly admires his best friend, Colton Daniels, who recently passed away in a motorcycle accident. Honoring his legacy, Andrew looks forward to representing his country in the World Games.