Mollie O’Connell of Sarasota, Florida, has competed with Special Olympics since 1999 in Illinois and Florida. She has participated in Alpine skiing, athletics, basketball, bocce, bowling, cycling, golf, powerlifting, sailing and tennis. She will represent Special Olympics USA in cycling. Through Special Olympics, Mollie has improved her athletic skills, learned the importance of sportsmanship and made great friends. As a Global Messenger Mollie advocates for Special Olympics through various speaking engagements.
Mollie most admires her sister Sheila and her neighbor Donna for their support in all aspects of her life. Employed at Earth Origins Market as a cashier, Mollie also prioritizes volunteering for her church. In preparation for the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023, Mollie rides her bike five miles three days a week. She is excited to represent her city, state and country.