Todd Lorenzo of Tooele, Utah, has been competing with Special Olympics for 32 years. He has participated in athletics, basketball, bocce, bowling, field hockey, golf, swimming and volleyball. He will represent Special Olympics USA competing in bowling. Special Olympics has provided Todd the opportunity to meet new friends and teach him many different sports. Four years ago, Todd moved to Utah from California with his foster father. Two years later, his father passed away and Todd worked to maintain his daily routines, while mourning the loss of his father. He is now employed at Macey’s grocery store and trains twice weekly with his bowling coach.
Todd is a member of the Special Needs Activity Program through his church, where he attends weekly activities and lessons. He most admires his sister-in-law Kathy, who he can talk with about anything. Attending the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 will be a proud memory for Todd, who has trained hard to get there.