Deborah “Debbie” Albers of Ashford, Connecticut, has been involved with Special Olympics since 1989 as both a coach and as a Unified partner. She has either coached or competed in athletics, bocce, bowling, cross country skiing, curling and volleyball. She will represent Special Olympics USA as a Unified partner in bowling. Within her Special Olympics community, Debbie is a local Program coordinator. For the past 19 years, she has attended The Dream Ride Experience with Special Olympics athletes. Special Olympics is an integral part of her family’s lives, as she met her husband through her involvement and has a daughter who is also a coach and Unified partner.
After 33 years of employment, Debbie retired from the Connecticut Department of Developmental Services. In 2010, she was presented the Governor’s Service Award, the highest honor in the state’s service. Through Special Olympics, she received the Outstanding Coach Award in 1997, the Unsung Hero Award in 1997 and was inducted into the Shriver Society in 2007.
Debbie competed as a Unified partner in bocce at the Special Olympics World Games Connecticut 1995 and the 2010 Special Olympics USA Games in Nebraska. She attended the 2006 Special Olympics USA Games in Iowa as a bocce coach. In 2023, she anticipates meeting new people and traveling to new places as she competes in the World Games.