Kellen Mendez of Longview, Washington, has been involved in Special Olympics for four years, competing in athletics, basketball, bowling, flag football and softball. He will represent Special Olympics USA in athletics. Participating in Special Olympics has taught Kellen how to be a great teammate and has opened doors to new adventures and possible career paths. Above all, Special Olympics has taught him not to give up, leaning on his faith, family and friends every step of the way.
Kellen is a student enrolled in Student Transition Educational Program Services and is employed part-time at Community Access Reaching Everyone, assisting with events for adults with special needs. In high school, Kellen served as manager of the school’s basketball team. He is active within his church, likes to spend time with friends and fundraise for Special Olympics. Attending the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 is an opportunity for Kellen to practice sportsmanship and positive encouragement to other athletes.