Brandy Goodson of Fernley, Nevada, has participated in Special Olympics for 15 years in athletics, bocce and bowling. She will represent Special Olympics USA competing in athletics. Through Special Olympics, Brandy has learned the importance of advocacy as an athlete and is a certified Global Messenger. Special Olympics has changed her life by introducing her to new friends and a new-found sense of confidence, driving her to achieve even greater goals. One of her accomplishments includes competing in the 2014 Special Olympics USA Games in New Jersey.
She is employed as a direct support staff for Northern Nevada Human Services and works at Blue Sky Thrift Store. Engaged in her community, she supports her local police department by delivering baked goods to officers. She is active in church activities, likes to ride her bike and take long walks. Brandy is appreciative of her parents for their part in her journey to compete in the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023.