Tim Taft is a Special Olympics volunteer who will attend the Special Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi 2019 as part of the medical team for Special Olympics USA. Taft has been involved with Special Olympics for 18 years after getting his start as the medical director for the 1999 World Games in North Carolina. He’s also attended the World Games in 2011 in Athens, 2013 in South Korea, 2015 in Los Angeles and 2017 in Austria. Being a part of the team going to Abu Dhabi, and in the past, means a lot to Taft. “(I have) an opportunity to help a wonderful group of athletes and staff,” Taft said. “I enjoy the challenge of practicing medicine in a unique setting. … Hopefully, these types of people-to-people programs will help improve world understanding and tolerance.” When he’s not working as a professor of orthopedics and sports medicine at the University of North Carolina, Taft enjoys handicrafts, reading and exercising. “I am continually reminded that there can be fun in competition and that while winning is important, it is not the only thing that counts,” Taft said. “This is hardly true in my “day job” and with my work with the USOC and other USA national teams. My spirit is continually uplifted by the Special Olympics athletes and dedicated staff.”