Steve Manzone of Bristol is a Unified partner with the Special Olympics Newington local program. He began participating in Special Olympics when he was 19 years old and has remained involved for over 25 years. He owns a small business, G & O Electric Inc., with his partner, Steve. In addition to bocce, Manzone plays floor hockey and bowls. If not playing as a Unified partner, he’s coaching the team. Manzone is proud of his family’s involvement with Special Olympics. His wife Jodi – whom he considers a role model – helps with bowling, his daughter Elizabeth is an athlete who plays soccer and his son Tyler volunteers and is a Unified partner for floor hockey. Manzone is looking forward to “the experience of a World Games event” and to seeing “happy people working hard." Consistent with the Special Olympics mission, his dream is to “have everyone get along." When he is not participating in Special Olympics, Manzone enjoys hunting and fishing.