Kinsey Henry’s personal best was winning a gold medal at the 2018 Special Olympics New York State Summer Games. She trains several days a week and her goal is to win the gold at Special Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi 2019. She attended the 2017 World Games in Austria, so this will be her second time on the world stage. While there, she will compete in athletics and is very proud to represent the USA. Kinsey's role model is quarterback Tom Brady of the New England Patriots. She feels the similarities they share are working hard and always trying to win. If Kinsey was to change the world in any way, she would have people be nicer to one another. Since joining Special Olympics New York, Kinsey has been more active and more confident. Kinsey is also most proud of the support she has received from the her community. Kinsey is a high school graduate and currently works at the Hilton Garden Inn in Ithaca, NY. When she is not busy with sports and work, her hobbies and interests include horses, family time and watching reality tv shows.