Carolyn Klocek is the Director of Coach and Health Services for Special Olympics Illinois where she has been a staff member since the fall of 2010. During her time there, she has served in a variety of roles in their Sports Department. She was the Program's Assistant Head of Delegation for the 2014 USA Games in New Jersey and the Head of Delegation for the 2018 USA Games in Seattle. Additionally, she was the Assistant Sport Manager for Team Sports for Special Olympics USA at the 2015 World Games in Los Angeles and in 2017 was the Sport Manager for Special Olympics USA's Snowboard team in Austria. For 2019 she is the Sport Manager for Athletics and Triathlon. As a native Wisconsinite now based in Chicago, she stays true to her Packers, Brewers and Bucks. 2019 will be an especially big year for Carolyn as she is getting married a month after Special Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi 2019!