
Justin Grimley

Athlete | Elverson, Pennsylvania
J.Grimley_Snowshoeing fun headshot.png

Justin Grimley of Elverson, Pennsylvania, started competing in Special Olympics 28 years ago and has participated in bocce, bowling, short track speed skating and snowshoeing. In the Special Olympics World Winter Games Turin 2025, he will represent Special Olympics USA in snowshoeing. His second time attending a Special Olympics World Games, Justin competed in snowshoeing at the Special Olympics World Winter Games Austria 2017. He also represented Special Olympics New Jersey in the 2014 Special Olympics USA Games, competing in bocce.

Employed as a technician assistant, Justin works three days a week at Country Companion Animal Hospital. He can be found gardening, riding his Go-Kart or volunteering to shred papers at his local township. To train for upcoming competitions, he swims, runs, bowls and works with a trainer each week. He is proud to represent the United States and looks forward to meeting many new friends.