Duane Hall of Veazie, Maine, started volunteering with Special Olympics in 1991. What started out as a chaperoning role would lead to a coaching position, membership on the area management team and on the Special Olympics Maine Board of Directors. He is a certified coach in a variety of Special Olympics sports and will represent Special Olympics USA as a coach in snowshoeing. This will be his eighth Special Olympics World Games. Duane has also attended five Special Olympics USA Games.
For 33 years, he has been employed by OHI, a Maine-based, private nonprofit organization providing support and services to people with disabilities. For nearly 30 years, Duane has been a statistician for the University of Maine and is involved in the university’s many athletics teams. He also serves as a high school and college soccer official. For Duane, being part of Special Olympics USA is an honor. He looks forward to seeing the many successes the athletes will achieve.