Brady Tanner of Lawrence, Kansas, first competed in Special Olympics 35 years ago. From competing in sports and Special Olympics Unified Sports® to supporting Law Enforcement Torch Run® for Special Olympics and Polar Plunge® efforts, Brady is an active leader. Special Olympics has done more than change his life, it has become his life. In 2006, Brady competed in powerlifting at the Special Olympics USA Games, where he won two gold medals and one bronze medal. In the Special Olympics World Games Athens 2011, he competed again in powerlifting, winning three gold medals and one silver medal. For his return to the Special Olympics World Games, he will represent Special Olympics USA in snowshoeing.
Brady is the first Special Olympics athlete to be inducted into the American Indian Athletic Hall of Fame and the World Association of Benchers and Dead Lifters Hall of Fame. He is prepared to do his best in competition on an international stage.