Management Team

Madeline Safrit

Marketing and Communications | Raleigh, North Carolina
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Madeline Safrit of Raleigh, North Carolina, was first introduced to the Special Olympics movement in 2016 as an intern with Special Olympics North Carolina. She is now the manager of internal communications for Special Olympics.

Madeline represented Special Olympics USA at the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 as additional support staff in marketing and communications, a role in which she will also serve for the Special Olympics World Winter Games Turin 2025. Combining her love for storytelling and Special Olympics, Madeline is thankful for her role in spotlighting the successes of athletes. Every day, she is inspired by the spirit, heart and positivity of Special Olympics athletes, who constantly remind her that she has the best job ever.

When she’s not on the sidelines capturing content, she is spending time with her dog, Archie, tap dancing with a local dance studio and seeing as much of the world as possible. From the beginning of her involvement, Madeline learned just how contagious the enthusiasm for Special Olympics can be. To experience that effect at a Special Olympics World Games means sharing the enthusiasm with countless others.