Aspen DeField of Arvada, Colorado, started volunteering with Special Olympics Colorado in 2007. Prior to that, she volunteered with the organization in New Mexico, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. She will represent Special Olympics USA as a sport manager. As the Special Olympics coordinator for Denver Parks & Recreation Adaptive Recreation programs, Aspen coaches and coordinates Special Olympics programming year-round. She also serves on the disciplinary committee for Special Olympics Colorado. As a coach, Aspen attended the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023, 2022 Special Olympics USA Games, the Special Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi 2019 and the Special Olympics World Winter Games Austria 2017.
Special Olympics has provided Aspen with many opportunities to encourage athletes. One such opportunity, coaching the Special Olympics Colorado Rapids Unified soccer team, allowed Aspen the chance to combine her two favorite things, Special Olympics and soccer, forever sparking her interest and passion for supporting athletes in life-changing experiences. She is proud of her ability to advocate for athletes, taking the time to get to know them, truly listen to them and try to do everything in her power to support their needs, in both sport skills and transferrable life skills.