Rachel Mulligan of Papillion, Nebraska, started competing in Special Olympics 13 years ago. In that time, she has trained in athletics, basketball, bocce, cross country skiing, powerlifting, soccer and swimming. Representing Special Olympics USA, she competed in cross country skiing at the Special Olympics World Winter Games Austria 2017. Also attending two Special Olympics USA Games, she has competed in athletics and powerlifting. Rachel serves as a Health Messenger and is a current member of the Special Olympics Nebraska Athlete Leadership Council.
After earning a four-year certificate through the Munroe-Meyer Institute – University of Nebraska Trailblazer Program, Rachel now works as a mentor within the program. Recently, she moved into her own apartment and spends time learning to sew, solving puzzles and attending book club. She looks forward to doing her best and meeting new friends from around the world when she clicks into her cross-country skis once again at the Special Olympics World Winter Games Turin 2025.