Cross Country Skiing

Lester Loner

Head Coach | Williamsport, Pennsylvania
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Lester Loner of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, started volunteering with Special Olympics more than 40 years ago. In that time, he has served as a coach, a training coordinator, a Global Messenger mentor and a Health Messenger mentor. He has attended eight Special Olympics World Games, coaching athletes in athletics, cycling and cross country skiing. In the 2006 and 2018 Special Olympics USA Games, Lester coached athletics. His involvement has earned awards including the Special Olympics North America Outstanding Coach, Special Olympics Pennsylvania Coach of the Year and Runner’s World Hero of Running.

Recently retired, Lester is focused on running, cross country skiing and snowboarding. He serves as a board member for the Lycoming County Brotherhood Alliance. His wife, Patricia, is also involved in Special Olympics and continues to support his role as a coach, no matter how far it takes him.