Lindsay Blagg of Lenox, Massachusetts, has participated in Special Olympics for 27 years, since the age of 12. Competing in Alpine skiing, athletics, bowling, softball and tennis, Lindsay has improved her social skills, made friends and traveled the world. In the Special Olympics World Winter Games PyeongChang 2013, she competed in Alpine skiing and won a silver medal. As part of the Special Olympics Massachusetts Ambassador Program, Lindsay shares the mission of inclusion with community organizations, sponsors and legislators.
Lindsay works at ExtraSpecialTeas, a tea house that employees a team of young adults with special needs and abilities. Through her job, she participates in a marketing group, which has developed a podcast to promote the tea house. Exercising her mental strength, she is an aficionado of jigsaw puzzles. Now representing Special Olympics USA in Alpine skiing once again, she exercises regularly by swimming, dancing and walking. She looks forward to skiing in Turin, meeting fellow athletes and trying Italian food.